What actions of yours demonstrate to your kids the processes of emotional regulation, conflict resolution, etc? In teaching, we do “think alouds,” “modeling,” and practice. To get your kid to learn a new habit, skill, concept, or practice, lecture ain't gonna cut it! So many parents say, I tell him a million times not to hit, but he still hits. Exactly. Telling doesn't work once bad habits are already established. We all know how hard it is to change our habits.
It's kind of like this analogy: Oh you're overweight and feeling fatigued? Well just eat less and exercise more. Yeah, it's not that easy. For this great transformation to take place, we have to look at what needs to be strengthened and then with proper supports, we can grow in these ways. Maybe what's needed is an increase of self-worth, self-love, self-respect, emotional regulation, fostering healthy ways to comfort ourselves, time management, accountability, correction in our wrongful thought life, etc. it's the same with kids.
In my program, we look at which skills are missing and then as a teacher, I guide you in how to create a series of learning experiences that will support your kids in actually developing these skills. See? These skills can't be just gotten with nagging, repeated lecture, with a snap of a finger, or even with a consequence. I've revealed the series of learning experiences kids need and I teach you how to do it yourself through my 12 video program. Reach out if you're interested in working with me.